

Eastman Camera Club meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the Eastman Toy F. Reid Employee Center. Annual membership dues are $2 for employees and dependents, and non-Eastman affiliates may join for $10.   


Woman taking a picture with an analog camera from the top of a mountain

Events and classes

Some events and classes may require a fee in addition to regular club dues. 

Note that the link goes to the general Events and classes area for all clubs.


A photographer holding a camera.


We have several books and computer-based training available at the front desk at the Eastman Employee Center. 
Books may be borrowed for two weeks at a time. If no one is waiting for the material after two weeks, you may renew it. 
Following is a list of available books.

The Photographer’s Eye: Composition and Design for Better Digital Photos — Michael Freeman

Focus: Advanced composition 

This is an outstanding book to help photographers understand the elements of composition. It explores all the traditional approaches to composition and design but also addresses how the digital picture will be edited later. Every subject is illustrated with several example photos showing how composition can make the photo.

Photography Outdoors: A Field Guide for Travel and Adventure Photographers — James Martin

Focus: Outdoor and travel photography

If you’re a photography enthusiast, you know what you see isn’t always what you get with outdoor shots. This book will help you improve your skills and make the most of your photos with a comprehensive guide to travel, action and adventure photography. Two of the best outdoor photographers — Art Wolfe and Mark Gardner — share recommendations on exposure settings, techniques for creative composition and advice on taking those hard-to-get close-up shots.

This book (fifth edition, printed in 2000) references film photography more than digital, but the concepts still apply.

Minimalist Lighting — Kirk Tuck

Focus: Professional techniques for location photography

The book is aimed at photographers who want to create stunning images without investing in expensive lighting equipment. Discover practical advice for using natural light and simple lighting setups to achieve a range of effects, from soft and flattering to dramatic and edgy. The author covers topics like choosing the right lighting gear, understanding light quality, and using reflectors and diffusers effectively. The book includes case studies to demonstrate how minimalist lighting techniques create striking images. It is an invaluable resource for photographers who want to achieve professional results with minimal equipment and a focus on creativity and technique.


Rental equipment

Equipment is in the recreation office at the Eastman Employee Center and may be reserved by camera club members one month in advance. Call 423-229-3771 to reserve the following list of items.



Sony Alpha Digital Camera — Unit #CS1

(16—50 mm lens; 55—210 mm lens)
$8/day, $15/weekend, $25/week (+ tax)

Canon T3i Camera - Unit #CC1
(Infrared Camera)

(This camera has been converted to shoot IR images. It cannot be used to take normal color photos. Images produced by this camera will need to be edited to create your own unique art.)

$8/day, $15/weekend, $25/week (+tax)

GoPro HERO5 Black — Unit #CH-1

$8/day, $15/weekend, $25/week (+ tax)

Nikon D 7000 Camera - Unit #CN1
(Infrared Camera)

(This camera has been converted to shoot IR images. It cannot be used to take normal color photos. Images produced by this camera will need to be edited to create your own unique art.)

$8/day, $15/weekend. $25 week (+tax)


Canon 100 mm — Unit #LC1

featuring 2.8 macro lens (for Canon full-frame and cropped-sensor DSLR cameras)
$3/day, $5/weekend, $10/week (+ tax)

Canon EF 55 mm — Unit #LC2

featuring 1.8 lens (for Canon DSLR cameras)
$3/day, $5/weekend, $10/week (+ tax)

Nikon 50 mm — Unit #LN1

featuring 1.8G Nikon AF-S lens (for Nikon DSLR cameras)
$3/day, $5/weekend, $10/week (+ tax)

Nikon 85 mm microlens — Unit #LN2

(for Nikon full-frame and cropped-sensor DSLR cameras)
$3/day, $5/weekend, $10/week (+ tax)


Paul C. Buff Studio Lighting Kit — Unit #L1

$8/day; $15/weekend; $25/week (+ tax)

Collapsible Umbrella Flash Kit — Unit #L2

$3/day, $5/weekend, $10/week (+ tax)

White Balance Filter 77 mm — Unit #L3&

(works on all DSLR cameras)
$3/day, $5/weekend, $10/week (+ tax)

Flex-Out Background — Unit #L4

$3/day, $5/weekend, $10/week (+ tax)


Canon 430EX II Speedlite Flash— Unit #FC1

4 AA alkaline batteries needed
$3/day, $5/weekend, $10/week (+ tax)

PocketWizard Flex TT5 & TT1 - Canon — Unit #FC2

$3/day, $5/weekend, $10/week (+ tax)

Nikon SB-600 Speedlite Flash — Unit #FN1

4 AA alkaline batteries needed
$3/day, $5/weekend, $10/week (+ tax)

PocketWizard Flex TT5 & TT1 - Nikon — Unit #FN2

$3/day, $5/weekend, $10/week (+ tax)


Monitor Calibration System — Unit #M1

3/day, $5/weekend, $10/week (+ tax)

Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer — Unit #M3

$5/day, $10/weekend and $15/week (+ tax)


Regular Tripod — Unit #T2

$1/day (+ tax)

Photography tips

Photographing water  Take pictures of lakes, rivers, streams and waterfalls.

Guidelines — Learn how to print, mat and frame your photos, including do-it-yourself, local and online options.

HDR — Digital sensors in today's cameras cannot capture an extreme range of light or tonality like our eyes. High dynamic range (HDR) technology enables digital photography that covers these extremes.

DSLR sensor cleaning — The sensor in a DSLR camera will naturally attract dust, which will show up as spots on a photograph. This document provides information on the tools and steps to clean a camera's sensor. Incorrectly cleaning a sensor can damage a camera and result in expensive factory repairs. You must carefully follow the instructions that come with the cleaning tools to avoid damaging your camera.

Night photography — Learn about location selection (including safety and security), photo equipment, composition, focus issues, ISO settings and the effects of overexposing or underexposing night photos.

Off-camera lighting on the cheap — Discover tips, equipment and purchase options for cheap, off-camera lighting.


Richard Siggins
Jim Rigsby
Vice president
Joe Douthat
ERC representative
Eric Donahue

For more information, contact Eastman Recreation at 423-229-3771. 

A photographer holding a camera.

Constitution and bylaws

Our constitution and bylaws promote enjoyment and camaraderie among members. The documents ensure fairness, equality and inclusivity in club activities, and the officers are available to address any questions or concerns.