Garden Club

Come join us!

The Garden Club is a newly established Eastman Recreation offering. New members are needed and welcomed. You do not have to be an expert in gardening; just have an interest and enthusiasm!  You are encouraged to attend a club meeting or contact a club officer to get "grafted in" on club activities. 

The Garden Club meets the second Thursday of each month at 4 p.m. in Room 214 of the Toy F. Reid Center.


A bee pollinating colorful wildflowers in a meadow



Erica Beecher
Mae Felkner
Pres. Co-Leads
 Karen Rowell
Vice president
Chantel Roberts

For more information, contact club representative Richie Elliott or the Eastman Recreation Office at 423-229-3771.  

Farmer hands planting to soil tomato seedling in the vegetable garden

Club constitution and bylaws

Our constitution and bylaws are newly drafted and will be presented at the first club meeting on October 24.

The purpose of the constitution and bylaws is to promote enjoyment and camaraderie among members. The documents ensure fairness, equality and inclusivity in club activities, and the officers are available to address any questions or concerns.