Service projects

Scouts at the nature center

The Boy Scouts of America are an active partner of the Eastman Nature Center, represented by several troops in the East Texas Area Council of Boy Scouts of America. Scouts partner with Eastman to complete Eagle Scout projects in the habitat area.

Members of a local scout troop work on a project

Eagle Scout projects

A listing of some of the recent projects completed at the nature center

Scout/troop Project Completion date
Evan Pearce 
Updated and added new tree id markers along the trail 
September 2024 
Jake Lundy 
Built weather-resistant tables for existing classrooms 
September 2024 
Alex Graham (621)
Added protective wiring along handrails on both bridges
January 2024
Aurora Egbe (201) Refinished benches and podiums at existing classrooms 
December 2023
Aiden Terry (302)  Purple paint law along fence line May 2023
Drew Smith (621)  Trail map and tree ID using GIS (and addition of box for printed maps)  May 2023